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hollywood celebrities crossing the pacific  

2011-02-10 18:39:08|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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hollywood a-listers are pouring into china, the fastest-growing film market in the world.

好莱屋 一线的明星们不断的涌入中国----世界上增长最快的电影市场.

at the beginning of 2010, oscar winner kevin spacey arrived in guangzhou to appear in the black comedy inseparable and was described as the highest-profile hollywood star to make a film in china.

在2010年开始,奥斯卡得主到达广州拍摄黑色喜剧"不可分割", 被认为在中国制作电影中最出名的好莱屋明星.

then,hugh jackman touched down in shanghai in march, tackling mandarin in snow flower and the secret fan, a film that follows tow women's life-long friendship in china in the 19th century.

修 三月时登录上海, 学习国语在电影雪花和..., 电影描述了两个女人在19世纪的中国长达一生的友谊.

will smith accompanied his son jaden smith to beijing and shanghai in june to promote the karate kid, a co-production between china film group and sony pictures, set against scenic locations such as the great wall.

威尔与其儿子贾登来到北京和上海宣传功夫小子电影, 由中国影视集团和索尼影视合拍,在长城等景点.

john cusack followed, holding hands with gong li on the red carpet to promote the spy thriller shanghai, in which they were lovers.

约翰紧随其后, 与巩丽携手红地毯宣传谍战惊悚片上海, 在片中,他们扮演一对情侣.

bond girl olga kurylenko(quantum of solace) wrapped up her part in empires of the deep on a sound stage in north beijing, while the US-china co-production of the 3D blockbuster features many elements from chinese mythology.

量子危机中的邦女郎招摇拍摄她的戏分(深度王国)在北京北部进行配音., 此片由中美合作的3D大制作,其中包含了许多中国的神话元素.

"no other film market is growing so quickly as china" industry insider tanfei said."no one can ignore it "

行业人士唐飞称,没有一个电影市场像中国的市场发展如此迅速, 没有人可以忽略它.

china's box office revenues hit a record 10.2 billion yuan in 2010,a 64% increase over the previous year, while gross box office receipts have seen an average annual growth of 35 percent since 2003. about 4.2 new screens were built every day in 2010 in china.

中国的票房收入在2010年创造了102亿元的纪录,比上年增长了64%, 同时毛票房收据以每年平均35%的速度增长(从2003年开始),2010年的中国,每天平均建设4.2个新的电影屏幕.

a decade ago any hollywood star would have created a huge stir if he or she landed in china," than said, but now people aren't  surprised when zhangyimou announces he has cast christian cale in his new war epic nanking heroes"


most hollywood stars come for chian-us co-produced films.


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