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Oldest barber lives on razor's edge 最年长的剃刀理发师  

2011-02-16 11:27:34|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Zhao Zhanbing, 84, who is thought to be the oldest barber in China, shaves a regular client at a county fair market near Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei province, on Jan 29. Zheng Jiran / for China Daily


A man lies in a decrepit deck chair with his eyes closed while an old man standing behind him jerks a razorblade up toward his throat. But rather than a gore flick scene, this close-shave situation is merely the traditional way of getting groomed in China - that is, by a barber.

一个男子闭着双眼坐在一个破旧的椅子上, 他身后站着的男人手持剃须刀朝向他的喉咙。但是这不是一副戈尔电影场景,这种和刮脸的情景仅仅是中国形象修饰的一种传统方式---这就是剃头师。

Barbering is one of China's oldest professions - one that requires high skill levels from its practitioners. However, except for in some remote villages and counties, this time-honored way of earning a living has been essentially replaced by the beauty salon industry.

剃头师是中国最古老的职业之一,其需要从实践中而来高超的技艺水平。然而,除了在一此偏远的城市和农村, 这种历史悠久的谋生方式从根本上被美容院所代替。

Perhaps the oldest barber in the country is 84-year-old Zhao Zhanbing, who has plied this trade for 72 years in Sijiazhuang, a small township near Shijiazhuang, capital of North China's Hebei province


He spent four years as the apprentice of a master starting from age 12.


"My family was very poor and my younger brother had some mental disabilities, which forced me to learn some skills to support the whole family," he said.

他说: “我家里非常穷,弟弟有精神病,迫使我学些技术来养活整个家”

Ancient Chinese said barbers would never starve because people always need to shave their heads and beards, Zhao said.


The young Zhao used a shoulder pole to carry his tools - shavers, hair-clippers, and a small stove and a washbasin - while walking among the alleyways and villages to seek business.


As age has set in, his left leg has become increasingly difficult to walk on, and he requires medicine daily. He started taking an electric tricycle, loaded with his gear, to a county fair market stall. And he shows up fewer days a month.


All of my clients are older guys in their 60s and 70s who come from adjacent villages," Zhao says


"They prefer me not only because I've cut hair for so long but also because we're friends. I remember what they like, such as whether they prefer warmer or colder water rinses after the shaves. But my oldest friends are disappearing as we get older, which is so sad."


Zhao usually finishes a session within 40 minutes. A head shave costs 3 yuan (46 cents) and a beard shave is 2. On the best of days, working from 8 am until nightfall, he earns 50 yuan.


"The job doesn't bring in much money and can be tiring, but our family built houses on this trade," Zhao said.


"I like barbering. It's more than a job to me."


Speaking of his declining health, he says, "I don't want to place any more burdens on my grandson."


Zhao's oldest son died years ago, and his younger boy was born with mental disabilities. The grandson his deceased son gave Zhao has become the family's sole bread-earner.

赵的大儿子几年前去世了, 他的小儿子一出生就有精神病。他去世的儿子留给他的孙子现在成了这个家庭唯一的生计来源。
"I'm afraid I may be the last barber in my county, but I'd like to work until my final day," Zhao said.


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