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Artificial meat may answer food crisis 人造肉可能解决食物危机  

2011-02-18 15:41:54|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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CHARLESTON, South Carolina - A 21st century American cowboy will resemble a worker in a high-tech plant creating artificial meat in a petri dish, a far cry from cattle ranches, according to biologist Vladimir Mironov.

查尔斯顿,南卡罗来纳州,一个21世纪的美国牛仔将要像一个工人一样在一个高科技的工厂中用带盖器皿生产人造肉,这同养牛场非常不同。生物学家Vladimir Mironov这样说。

The growth of "cultured" or in-vitro meat may be a vital step toward solving the global food crisis and fighting hunger in the future, Mironov said.


It may also be used on the first trip to Mars as it's impractical to take a cow on a six-month mission on a space shuttle.


"Think about planetary settlement, for example, or growing density of population," Mironov said. "There is already no land to grow crops in New York or Singapore."


But Mironov, along with fellow researcher, Nicholas Genovese, face many challenges in their small cutting-edge laboratory at the Medical University of South Carolina.


The amount of meat that can be grown in a laboratory is one problem. T-bone steaks don't grow on trees or overnight under a microscope. But Mironov says creating a steak is not far from becoming reality.


About 10 years ago, Mironov's research dream to grow "cultured meat" became reality when he was awarded a grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for cardiovascular tissue engineering.


He landed the grant with the help of Helen Lane, a top NASA food expert that Mironov invited to a workshop he hosted.

他获得了海伦一位美国航天局高级食物专家的援助, M邀请参加一个他主持的工作组。

But the research is no longer funded by NASA, and Mironov said he was told that NASA was moving toward researching transgenic plants as a source of protein.


"Research proposals are reviewed and vetted based on many different factors," said Katherine Trinidad, from NASA's public relations department. 


Now Mironov and Genovese are funded by a three-year grant from the animal rights group People of Ethical Treatment for the Animals.


A tissue engineer by trade, Mironov has taken embryonic muscle cells called myoblasts, which turn into muscle, from turkey, bathed them in a bovine serum and then grown animal muscle tissue.


"We are working on a very small scale using NASA synthecon bioreactor and porous edible chitosan spheres seeded with myoblasts from edible animals," Mironov explained.


The cultured meat choice confronting tomorrow's shoppers will be similar to today's options in the meat department.


North Dakota bioengineer Douglas McFarland has grown myoblast cells from chicken, turkey, lamb, pig and cow, Mironov said.


Mironov finds that liver or "famous French guts pate" is the easiest muscle meat to grow. And he said cultured meat will be "functional, natural, designed food", arguing that modified food is already common practice, and not harmful.

M发现,肝脏是最容易成长的肌肉。他说培养肉是有功效, 自然, 可设计的食品。转基因的食物已经很普通,并没有害处。

Mironov and Genovese are two of 30 applicants who have been invited to a European Science Foundation workshop on in-vitro meat in Gothenburg, Sweden, in August to discuss the obstacles they all share.

M和G做为30名受邀者的2 人,参加由欧洲科学基础工作室8月在瑞典哥德堡举办的,关于试管肉障碍的讨论。

There is also a "yuck factor" to overcome when people know that meat is grown in a lab, although other foods like yogurt have been cultured for years.


"One of the biggest things that people enjoy as a comfort thing is food," said Sam Bowen, a bar manager in Columbia, South Carolina.


"And until people grow up with the idea of artificial meat, it's going to be hard to convince people otherwise."


Funding is one of the biggest hurdles. Along with NASA, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture won't fund the research.


The Netherlands, on the other hand, funds in-vitro meat research by its bio-engineers, according to Mironov.


"It looks like Europeans now are taking a lead in development of in-vitro meat technology," Mironov said. "But the original idea was American."


Agence France-Presse


(China Daily 02/17/2011 page10)

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