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Sharing a life should mean sharing the financial costs 公享生活意味着分担经济费用  

2011-02-27 11:21:51|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Beijing has introduced a slew of measures to curb housing prices, yet one in particular recently caught my eye. It is the one that basically means from Feb 17 migrant residents will need to have made income tax and social insurance contributions for five consecutive years to be eligible to buy property in the capital.


The ramifications are far reaching and extend beyond cooling Beijing's red-hot property market. One unintended consequence is that it might lead to people delaying their marriages or, worse still, could even break up relationships between migrants.


It may seem absurd to outsiders, but for those who understand Chinese people's psyche, it's not difficult to fathom the scenario. Chinese women, regardless of their standing on the career ladder, expect the other half to provide shelter prior to marriage. It's a case of "no house, no honey".


In China, it's traditional for the groom's parents to chip in financially to secure an apartment for their son. With the new rulings, though, tons of money can't even buy a house if you have not contributed to the capital for five years. I can't deny the fact that a roof is important to newlyweds, both for pragmatic and security reasons, but for the house to be wholly provided by the man is a tad unfair.


Unlike the patriarch age when Chinese women were subservient to their husbands, the head of the household, women in the Internet age demand, rightfully, to be treated with respect, both in the corporate world and in the family. The reality on the ground, however, is the opposite. Women want to be treated equally in a relationship and yet expect their fiances to pay for the house. It's like the proverbial having one's cake and eating it.


Chinese women in the 21st century are better educated and it's not unheard of that in some relationships they earn more than their partners. Yet, Chinese society dictates that men are the sole financier of the matrimonial home and women are more than willing to go with the flow, regardless of their incomes. It's common knowledge that houses acquired in a marriage are part of the matrimonial assets and will be divided equally in the event of a divorce. To this end, it's only logical that the purchasing and furnishing of a house should be financed jointly.


The "passive" acceptance by Chinese males and their parents that they're obliged to provide a home only serves to perpetuate the case of "no house, no honey", and gives rise to the legitimacy of women's demands. It's too simplistic to think that buying a house is a sign of affection. I'd rather believe buying a house is a sign of commitment and responsibility.


But isn't marriage a shared responsibility and commitment between husband and wife? Inherently, buying a matrimonial house should also be a joint responsibility.


The day when the majority of Chinese women firmly believe they should contribute equally, if not more, toward the matrimonial house will show progress on the part of Chinese women and society as a whole.


To my male friends I say: if during a date a woman asks if you have been making social insurance and income tax contributions for the last five years, don't answer and just walk away, no matter how much so-called love you have for the woman sitting on the other side.


The author is a freelance writer and teacher based in Beijing.

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