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Clever women show weaknesses 聪明女人的弱点  

2011-03-12 00:10:35|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Author says women in Beijing still have difficulties finding ways to balance their work and family life, Liu Yujie reports.

作者称,北京的女人仍然在平衡家庭生活的工作之间存在困难.( 刘宇杰报导)

Tuesday is International Women's Day, an occassion to celebrate 101 years of women's achievements and the struggle for greater equality and real choices. But what do women in China want today?


Which might perhaps be not that far from the truth.


"Women's feelings of happiness are more closely related to being loved than men," said Li Lingyao, best-selling author of To Be Mature is More Important Than being Successful for Women.


Li has been giving lectures on women's issues to MBA and EMBA students at Peking University for the past five years and said her female students are "more likely to be plagued by problems in love and marriage".


She said that the psychology of the two sexes is different and that the personal realm is much more important for women than men.

她说两性的心理是不同的 对女人而言,个人领域更重要。

"The two sexes are born with different roles to play in a relationship. Men are like fire, while women are like water. The former needs to be respected and admired, while the latter needs to be loved and protected."


A survey done by a group of US scientists lends support to Li's argument. When 400 men and 400 women were asked to choose between being unloved but respected, or loved rather than respected, 300 men said they would rather be respected while almost all the women said they would prefer to be loved.


Li said that for women to be happy they should establish different priorities at different stages in their lives, such as studying, working, being in love, getting married, having children, retirement and so on.


"If you want to put big stones, small stones and sand in a bottle, you have to put in the big stones first, then the small ones, and then last of all the sand. If you don't do it in this order, you won't get them all in the bottle. Life is the same; there are priorities. Don't say you forgot to have children when you are no longer able to, and don't say I regret wasting study time when I was young and now I've accomplished nothing."


She said that many Chinese women who have successful careers fail in their marriages because they are too accustomed to being superior and giving orders and they find it difficult to change roles in the home and become the traditional tender wife who respects her husband and is a loving mother.


"Clever women are good at showing their weakness in front of their husbands, as no marriage can contain two fires."

聪明的妻子善于在她们的丈夫面前示弱, 没有家庭能容下两团火。

But Li does not encourage women who think their marriage has failed to get a divorce, as it is much harder for a divorced woman to find a new partner than it is for a man.


She refers to another survey done in Beijing several years ago, which tracked 110 couples that divorced and found that in the following three years, more than 70 men get married again, but only seven women managed to do so.


"Statistically speaking, divorced women with children find it far more difficult to get married a second time. I think that's because most men do not like a socially complicated woman. Therefore women should be careful about divorce," Li said.


"You feel happy when you are needed by someone, and you know you can do something valuable for them."


Living abroad for years, Li also has lots of insights into cross-cultural differences and said a dual-cultural background can offer the best traits from both the East and the West.


"I noticed with my daughters' girlfriends. Her American friends are more open, optimistic and vivacious, but they are sometimes too self-centered. Those born in the US but with Chinese cultural backgrounds are more internalized and think more about others."


Li concludes that for a woman to be happy in the Chinese social context she needs to have a job that provides social benefits and be a considerate wife who sincerely appreciates her husband, a loving mother who takes good care of her children and lets them develop their own potential, and a filial daughter to her parents and parents-in-law.

李对一个女性在中国社会背景下幸福的结论是:她需要有一份提供社会福利的工作,温和的妻子并真诚的欣赏 她的丈夫,一个慈爱的母亲,给她的孩子良好的照顾,使其发挥他们的潜能,对自己父母及公婆是一个孝顺的女儿。

"Life is like a circle, which takes a lot of people and things to complete, like your personal interests and hobbies, your career, your family and friends, spiritual growth, and so on. A happy life must be rich in all of these."


(China Daily 03/08/2011

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